Comparitive Analysis: BST vs AVL vs Splay


Project information

  • Category: Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Completion Date: March 9, 2021
  • Technologies Used: C++
  • GitHub URL: BST vs AVL vs Splay Repo

BST vs AVL vs Splay is a system for managing and analyzing the operations performed on three different types of binary trees: Binary Search Trees (BST), AVL Trees, and Splay Trees. The program reads input from two files: one containing initial insertions and the other containing a series of actions (insertions, searches, and deletions) to be performed on the trees. For each action specified in the second file, the program executes the operation on all three trees, recording the details of each operation (such as insertions, searches, rotations, and deletions) in separate output files for each tree. The program also generates a summary of all operations performed, including the number of rotations and other relevant statistics. The system maintains the trees balanced and ensures proper functionality for insertion, search, and deletion operations on each tree type.

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